Quitting Smoking and Thanksgiving in Joshua Tree

My time around San Diego has mostly been continuing, leaving me without too much to post about on my blog. Dealing with dentist appointments and the usual of enjoying this location has been the majority of recent times, really. I also had the pleasure of spending Thanksgiving weekend around Joshua Tree with family, before returning to my camping location now. To top all of this off, I’ve also quit smoking, and I’ll discuss that a bit!

Aside from the dentist appointments and the more usual points about hanging around San Diego, I made up my mind to quit smoking. I’ve thought for quite some time, having studied this when I was going to school for Substance Abuse Counseling, that quitting smoking is actually an easy feat. The more I have considered this, the less I have reason as to why I still smoked.

Eventually, I just decided. At night on November 10, I smoked my last cigarette. I simply decided, after thinking about it all week. That would be my last cigarette. It was a spontaneous decision, in a way, although I’ve had years leading up to it.

As of this writing, I’ll confirm what I said all along: quitting smoking is easy! I’ve become convinced that the hardest part of quitting smoking is overcoming the delusions and outright lies that run through the mind during the quitting process. I simply approached every thought with truth contradicting each thought: there is absolutely no benefit of smoking, it does not help with stress, it doesn’t do anything good at all; it’s just terrible. Given that, it has all been easy, and I’ve stayed to my not smoking another cigarette–not even another drag.

And finally, this brings me to Thanksgiving. I spent the weekend in a rental house with family, just outside of Joshua Tree National Park. Spending the weekend enjoying that area, I took a drive through the National Park itself on my way back to San Diego on Sunday, including taking a long route through the desert instead of the freeways. Pictures from the weekend follow below.