While staying in Fremont-Winema National Forest, I entered a seemingly endless struggle with yellowjackets. Nope, not bees, actually. Hornets! They swarmed the front of my car, and entered me in constant distraction.
Trying to save myself to get work done despite the endless assault, I drove into town and got a car wash. Returning to camp, the yellowjackets returned, but I reserved myself to attempting to wash my car by headlamp further. Still, no help. The yellowjackets continued their assault.

Giving up, I have moved to a spot on the northern end of Deschutes National Forest, just outside of Bend, Oregon, and off of China Hat Road. The area is quite trashed, actually, but I found a couple of cleaner spots. I settled on one that is significantly cleaner of the bunch.
There’s still a few yellowjackets floating around here, actually, but they’re not swarming like they were in the previous spot, so I’m actually able to get things done. I’m also near Newberry National Volcanic Monument, which should be cool to check out as I continue my Cascades and Volcanoes adventures.
Certainly won’t top the list of favorite spots, but it will do while I scope out other spots nearby.